
On every purchase takes place in maximum security thanks to the use of Trustwave and Geotrust certified secure servers and the adoption of the most advanced coding systems (SSL). We only use secure connections , as evidenced by the "https" prefix and the padlock symbol appearing in the browser's address bar.

To protect your credit card purchases , you will be asked to enter the CVV code for each order. As an added security measure, your credit card issuer may ask you to authorize the payment by entering a temporary security code or SMS code, or using another authentication method.

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PayPal is an electronic wallet that allows you to pay and receive money over the internet. To use this form of payment, you must have a PayPal account linked to your current account, a credit card or a prepaid card: if you don't have one, you can easily open it by registering on the Paypal official website, or you can finalize the purchase by credit card from an external user , i.e. by choosing not to register.

You can also choose to pay using the PayPal checkout option (rapid checkout), which allows you to complete the order in a few simple clicks, using the financial and shipping details of your PayPal account. Simply select the option from the cart and you will be redirected directly to the PayPal login page. If you are a registered user and have previously chosen to save your PayPal account details within your account on Stra-vàga, you may not be asked to enter your password. PayPal reserves the right to ask for any confirmation of your identity via text message or app.

Credit cards

Your credit card details are collected in encrypted form and transmitted to the companies that carry out remote electronic payment activities for us. The latter will memorize and process the aforementioned data independently, according to the highest security standards and solely to execute your purchases on our site.

Only use credit cards that you legitimately have available.

It may happen that a credit card payment is declined. It usually happens for the following reasons:

  • the credit card has expired: contact your bank;
  • the card's credit limit has been reached: check with your bank;
  • you entered some data wrong: check that you have provided us with all the correct information.

Bank transfer

On our site you can also pay by bank transfer. Bank transfer it is an operation that allows you to transfer money from one current account to another in an easy and safe way. Remember that by choosing this payment method, your order will be shipped only after the bank transfer has been received.